Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week #1 "wrap up"

Hi all,

I know it's Sunday afternoon and not necessarily the end of the Social Software week, but as I take some time to upload vids and get next week's content set, I just wanted to put out a quick "wrap up" message.

Very nice job in the Discussion this week, you all raised some great issues and fleshed out a lot of topics and sub-topics in the web2 and lib2 areas. As we go through a lot of the individual tools in future weeks I'd like to ask that you remember those things that were covered in the Discussion. It's very easy to fall in "techno-love" with the technology and forget the purpose. The main reason I like to start with the readings I chose and the Discussion was to get some initial grounding before we move on.

The next few weeks of class are about setting up our communication channels...IM'ing, blogging, microblogging, rss/feeds, etc. are going to get us communicating with these tools rather than "old school" email and, god forbid, phone and allow us to work with each other more easily. Additionally, I do want you to consider the advantages/disadvantages inherent with each medium of communication and how/why you might or might not use them in the future.

Do hope you all "enjoy" the class and get a lot from it.

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